Crossing the portal, the group encountered a strange situation for the first time. Instead of being in a fixed place like a cave, a forest, or a desert, this time they were in a moving place.
Noah walked through the portal and felt the floor under his foot / feet start to move. It wasn't moving from one place to another, but moving up and down, as if the base was experiencing unevenness.
Looking around, he understood why he felt that way. It was due to the strange structure around them; they were inside a moving train.
When the last person walked through the portal, everyone was shocked by what they saw around them. In Rank E Fortresses there had been no such things. The monsters they had to deal with were too primitive to even build heavily fortified cities, but they already knew that there was a very low chance that there was a Fortress of a more advanced civilization among the Rank D Fortresses.