317 - My Treat

"Oh my, to be flattered by a man of your caliber is sure a fresh start. Unfortunately, I am not here to exchange pleasantries like such, I don't have the pleasure of talking to you for long. This is my thank you for what you've done for us today. I hope you'll appreciate it," she said, grabbing Noah's hand and putting something in it and closing. "Now, I must go before the elders in my family know we talked," she said, turning her back on him, and leaving the way she came.

Noah was left standing by the door, a pair of small things on his hands. 'The heck even are these?' he thought to himself, turning inside and taking a seat.

"Oh... one of those looks fancy," Lilith whispered next to his ear, her head slithering towards his hand. "What is it?" she asked.