
Disclaimer: If you know another name here, it's probably because you've heard it from an anime series or have met them in a game.

I will also avoid putting the name of the MMORPG so there wont be issues.

The entire events here are not complete. If you liked the story, I will make this a detailed novel in the future.


I woke up and found myself getting struck by the sunlight that passed through the window of my room. I felt irritated but this was how a human would know that he had lived again to see another present. I went to the bathroom to wash off my sleepiness and ate my breakfast on the kitchen table - although, it was only a piece of a toasted bread partnered with a bitter coffee, I enjoyed my food wholeheartedly.

I opened up my 2 years old laptop with potato specifications - but it could still run the game that I had always played. After a few clicks and typing, I finally logged in to the game. Well, since this was a potato laptop it took me 5 minutes to finish loading the game.

After logging in, I saw the channel and world chat that was lively as ever. Players selling their items, service run offers and some trading was done. The general chat was flooded with player trolls and some friendly conversations. But, most online games also had players who enjoys scamming other players. It was a common everyday life inside the game.

My in-game name is AyaMoji and my character class is an Adept, a class focused on massive burst damage that could cover large areas - an AOE class. As the Vice-Guild Master of "Dystopia", I had the responsibility to check if there were inactive players and guild applicants. While I was busy doing my tasks, I received a private message from Chaikafae, a senior guild member.

"Moji, can I invite someone I know to the guild?"

"Ah sure, wait a second. Where are you?"

"Guild spot."

I rode my sheep and hurried to the guild spot. The guild spot was located near a horse ranch, beside the horse ranch is the farm and on the other side was a stair leading up to a dungeon portal.

"I'm here Chaika, so who is the one who wants to join the guild?"

"This guy. He said he wants to join the guild."

Chaikafae pointed to a female character with a lance on her back. I approached the player and asked a series of questions. It was also my job to study a player's background before letting them inside the guild to avoid trolls or scammers that can disrupt the guild's harmony. But I kept silent about it, since it was one of my responsibilities so that my guild members can enjoy.

"Hi there Heilieg! Oh a lance specialist?"


Heilieg replied with a smile.

Although it was my responsibility to check a players background, I was going with my guts this time and felt like this player could be trusted. Then I noticed something weird about 's sentence.


I faced Chaikafae and asked him directly.


Chaikafae nodded in response to question.

"Ah, so he is like us then?"

I continued asking. This types of occurrences was intriguing as usual. Chaikafae and I looked at each other while grinning.

"Once again, I am AyaMoji, the Vice Guild Master of Dystopia - a loli but I'm actually a male player."

I proudly puffed my non-existent chest. Meanwhile Chaikafae nodded together with Heilieg. I felt like they were ridiculing me. I know I'm using a female loli character and its weird but damn it!

It was common in online games for male players to use female characters. Even the women would pick male characters. Well, using a female loli character was indeed very weird and degrading but I do not regret it at all. Who am I even trying to convince.

Anyways, after that I did some background checking on Heilieg by asking some players. Yes, I know I said I relied on gut feeling but I just love the guild so much that I do not want scammers to destroy the tranquility.

Days passed by like normal. I did the same routine in real life - eat, play and sleep.


One day, when I was online the game I saw ZerkFuhrer online together with PentaHui, Ishikki, RNA24 and Heilieg.

RNA is our Guild Master, yes he is lazy. I do his job for him as well. I am not annoyed by it, I think. He is a Grand Healer, a cleric type class.

PentaHui is our guild's strongest player. An assassin type of who specializes in secret weapon maneuvers.

ZerkFuhrer is also an area burst type class like mine. A cleric that specializes in using the flail.

Ishikki has the same class as PentaHui. He is my son in-game. I will tell you the story about it later.

Once I was done doing my narrated introduction for the players, a sentence from ZerkFuhrer caught my attention.

"No. I'm girl"

"Eh really?"

Yep that is definitely the "ZerkFuhrer" I know. And it seems like he is fooling someone again.


I saw that the players present were good enough for a "dungeon raid". So I took the liberty to suggest to RNA about a "guild run". He gave the okay.

"Hey let's do a guild run."

Everyone gave an okay and RNA hosted the raid party.


Authors note:

Dungeon Raid or Raid is a type of dungeon subjugation where 8 players are needed.

Guild run refers to a "Guild-only" party.

AOE - Area of Effect

Aggro - it is when the attention of the monster is focused on a certain player with high aggro rate.


[RNA] Party Leader

[AyaMoji],[PentaHui], [Ishikki],[Heilieg],[ZerkFuhrer]

"It seems like we lack 2 more to be full" said RNA.

"Can we join?"

Kazuto and DNxCelty had just logged in. It seems that they noticed that we were running a raid.

I gave them a thumbs up.

Kazuto was also an assassin but he specialized in the shadow arts, it was class a that could do massive damage per second and area bursts. While DNxCelty was a warrior who specializes in tanking.

[RNA] Party Leader

[AyaMoji],[PentaHui], [Ishikki],[Heilieg],[ZerkFuhrer],[DNxCelty],[Kazuto]

The party was ready to set

Our party was set to do a raid, we had a good synergy. We all rushed to the portals excited to subjugate the dungeon.

The dungeon had 3 stages and a final boss stage. We had already formulated a plan and began the subjugation.

[Stage 1 - Cerberus]

A dog with three heads, the gatekeeper of Hell.

Everyone had already cast their buffs.

PentaHui, Kazuto and Ishikki's party buff increased Critical Damage by 15%.

RNA's party buff increased the character HP by 10%

DNxCelty's party buff increased the defense by 10%

Heilieg's party buff increased casting and movement speed by 20%

As for me, I had a support skill that summons a machine that drops potions with random buffs - just like a vending machine but its random.

DNxCelty rushed to the front and taunted boss. The taunt was successful.

The boss raised its paw and directed it towards DNxCelty.

Seeing this opportunity, PentaHui rushed in with his dagger. He summoned a crow that hailed daggers towards the boss. He took out a Kusari Gama which was coated in poison and hurled it vertically while doing aerial acrobatics. After landing, he pulled the chains back then maneuvered the chain like a wide embrace that hit the boss' head leaving the boss in a confused state.

Following PentaHui was ZerkFuhrer. He summoned a giant hammer from thin air and struck the boss 3 times flat on the ground. The ground below the boss cracked from the weight of the damage dealt.

HP left: 90%

While the boss was still down on the ground, I summoned a giant hand-made out of ice. I rushed towards its side and summoned walls of magma trapping it there.

"Celty! Ishikki! Now!" I shouted to DNxCelty as I was successful with trapping the boss.

DNxCelty threw his hammer on air, jumped up and caught it while using the falling momentum then he hit the ground near the boss. The already weak ground from ZerkFuhrer's attack crumbled - a huge crater was created. Dust clouds was surrounding the area of the crater but Ishikki did not waste time and threw a scroll inside the crater. Three seconds later, the area inside the crater exploded. When the dust cloud started to clear out, weapons were struck on the walls as well as on the body of Cerberus.

HP left: 50%

It seemed like the combo was successful. jumped out from the hole the moment the dust cloud cleared out. It looked angry, it seemed like it was going to cast a skill.

"This looks bad" whispered ZerkFuhrer to RNA.

with his quick-witted decision nodded back in reply to ZerkFuhrer's worry.

"Over here!"

RNA shouted notifying everyone to gather beside him. He cast , a skill that can purify, heal and protect players inside its vicinity.

"Ah... oopsie?"

We all looked at at the same time. Noticing his worries, my face went pale as well.

"You cast your skill too early."

"Yea... haha my bad?" replied with a wry smile.

Cerberus summoned black lightning on the entire boss area and killed everyone.

We re-spawned back at the guild spot with disappointed faces directed to .

"We can always try next time right?" asked Kazuto.

Kazuto used to be really shy, but seeing him doing his best to converse with others made me feel relieved.

"I had fun, although I was not able to do anything. I'll be going out now"

It seemed like Heilieg went out early because he had something to do.


After that run, I haven't been able to login for some time. It took a while to finish some real life related activities.

A week had passed and I noticed Ishikki, Sema and Pengolphin together with Yeshua doing some comedy routine. Each of them called each other brothers. Having found some interest in it, I was observing them. Yes, I do enjoy observing my guild members very much.

Pengolphin was a hard worker. He kept asking about many things about grinding and leveling. I did not find it annoying and enjoyed talking to him. Sema was the same, but sometimes he was lazy but was someone fun to talk to. Ishikki was a sweet kid, he was shy just like Kazuto. He avoided asking too much questions and learned a lot by himself. Although, a weird turn of events happened and I became their Dad with me having no idea what had just happened. It felt warm, so I accepted them.

I had prided myself as one of the fastest grinder in my guild. ZerkFuhrer was a luck sack and iChaketar was a super grinder as well. I had utmost faith on both. Even if I was fast at grinding, my luck was bottom rock it seems.


Honestly, I remembered those days was full of trolling and not real grinding. There were days that PentaHui despite him being serious all the time, would have a day where he seemed to have lost some brain cells. There was this weird conversation we had while PentaHui was sick and I was worried about him.

"Penta, have you drank your medicine?" I asked.

"I am the meds" he replied.

I was puzzled by what he said but he did not stop there.

"Will you be okay if I drink you?"

It seemed like his brain became sick as well.

"Although, you have to swallow me."

That made zero sense. I cringed so hard. But I also laughed a lot.


Days had passed and it became crazier. The players who I were mentoring overtook me and became the strongest players in the guild. I was not disappointed, it felt like a father seeing their son grow.

There were also two players that had caught my attention. Vainslashe and Vainz are different players but a lot of guild members still confused them. Vainslashe would feel frustrated every time.

It was a daily comedy where Vainslashe would say "I am Vain not Vainz!" while we just look at him and laugh. What a pitiful guy, but it is okay, at least we are having fun.


One day, while I was doing my quest. I had learned from Chaikafae that Heilieg had two users. I was curious about it so I scurried for information. I found out that Heilieg was used by twins - a sister and a brother.

Although, the Heilieg character was owned by the brother, it seemed liked it was the sister who had spent a lot of time with the character.

A lot of guild members were confused as well. The reactions they had when they learned that the one they were talking to was a girl - they somehow felt happy and excited.


The days of gaming lessened for a lot of us because of school. There were those who had to look for jobs and some had gotten married. Priorities had changed together with the increase of age. But despite that we kept contact using a social platform designed for people who enjoys playing games, this platform also had bots that could do automated tasks. Those were fun times, especially when we had made fun of our Guild Master RNA together with some of the guild members that have been introduced before. We used a "peepee" measuring bot where the bot assumes the size of your "peepee". I am not sure if anyone else will find this funny, but seriously, our guild was full of people in need of brain cells.

----Peepee measuring bot------

RNA: Please peepee PentaHui.

Peepee measuring bot: 8D

RNA: ....


PentaHui: ***k

RNA: Please peepee me

Peepee measuring bot: 8=D

Pengolphin: HAHAHAHA

RNA: Whut??


Ishikki: Please peepee me

Peepee measuring bot: 8=D

AyaMoji: oof

Pengolphin: Please peepee me

Peepee measuring bot: 8===========D

Kazuto: Okay.

Pengolphin: HAHAHA

An on that day, even if there were a lot of us who had small peepee sizes. RNA won the "dick-kun" nickname.


It was not only fun and games but there was also romance blossoming in the guild. QueenLxx and Heilieg had started a relationship, and we had no clue about it. Well, not until QueenLxx started talking to me. QueenLxx relied on me on many things, I was like a baby sitter - yes a baby sitter. Anyway, she was a very moody player, she had a lot of mood swings - a very grumpy loli. Although, other guild members liked her - they became sad when they heard about QueenLxx and Heilieg ship sailing.

Isshiki was one of the guild members who had feelings for Heilieg. As for Pengolphin, it seemed like a lot of the guild members misunderstood, but it was only a feeling of respect - he looked up to Heilieg.

The drama continued for a while until one day, when we had another raid, QueenLxx's episode of tantrums had gotten worse. This made the Guild Master RNA angry and the officers decided to kick her out from the guild since her behavior was excessive, of course, this was also approved by Heilieg.

After kicking her out, I talked to her privately and explained that her actions were unreasonable and excessive. Here I am hoping that she had changed for the better.

Author's note: Please don't kill me.


It seemed like Heilieg had built a good foundation in the guild without me knowing. This was not a bad thing. In fact, I was very pleased, as I was the one overseeing the entire guild. This made her a very good role model for other members but it would be a different story if ZerkFuhrer entered the scene.

Heilieg and ZerkFuhrer had a normal conversation. It started with game related talk, then the conversation suddenly shifted to body excretions. As for how that happened, it just went like that.

ZerkFuhrer: I want your pee. Please let me drink your pee.

Heilieg: Wtf zerk-san

Heilieg and ZerkFuhrer had become close enough for Heilieg to call ZerkFuhrer "Zerk-san".

By the way, Heilieg made it a habit to call people she had gotten close to with "-san", a type of japanese honorofic. As for my case, she calls me Jola-san.

Authors note: That story will be for a different day.


Dystopia's active days had become inactive. People were leaving the guild. I was also one of those who left. Just like what they say, "Good things will soon come to and end".

Heilieg had also become inactive. The one who had used the character Heilieg since then was her twin brother.

Heilieg hid the information about her going abroad. I contacted her and she told me the reason.

"I did not want to make you guys worried. And I hate saying my farewell. It is a sad thing"

We both respected her decision and continued supporting her.

Pengolphin, Heilieg and I, have kept in contact. Conversation became scarce since she went to Japan to study but she said had become busier. We both worried if she had managed to make friends in Japan and if she was able to adjust to Japanese culture.

Heilieg said she was doing fine and it was a bit tiring.

She has not contacted us for a months now. Her last chat was on May.


October 7, 2020

I woke up and found myself getting struck by the sunlight that passed through the window of my room. I felt irritated but this was how a human would know that he had lived again to see another present. I went to the bathroom to wash off my sleepiness and ate my breakfast on the kitchen table - although, it was only a piece of a toasted bread partnered with a bitter coffee, I enjoyed my food wholeheartedly.

As I was arranging the condiments in the cabinet. The bottle of ketchup fell and broke, the syrup had spread in the entire floor. It made me feel pissed but I cleaned it up.

Then I opened my 2 years old potato laptop. I received a message and I clicked on it to check the message. "She really hated saying farewells huh." I muttered to myself as I felt my heart ache.

"Heilieg had passed away".

Two days later, Heilieg's brother had contacted me.

Heilieg asked for a favor from her brother and these were the words she said

"Please take care of "Heilieg" and all my comrades that I met in the game"

Then she left a message for everyone in the guild.

"I love you guys. Thank you for accepting me."