
Author's note: this chapter is from Lazarus's point of view


I got up from the bed with the first morning rays of the sun, and I'm quite confident I didn't sleep at all.

The lack of sleep is usually not a problem, I can go days without it, but this time it was different.

Spending the night in the guest bedroom of Aldus's villa was torturous. I couldn't find a comfortable position or calm down my beast who screamed for Seraphina's proximity.

Not having her nearby helped control my urges a bit, but it didn't suppress them fully. I was aroused and rock hard for most of the night and by morning my cock throbbed painfully.

What is wrong with me?

I saw an ocean of attractive girls and held in my arms more than I can remember, but I never had this insatiable need to possess a female. And it's ridiculous because I know that Aldus is right, Seraphina is not my mate.

As soon as I exited my car yesterday afternoon, a light breeze carried her scent toward me. I thought that it must be some perfume filled with pheromones but when I held her in my arms and inhaled her scent, I realized that I was wrong. It was her. Her every cell is inviting me, even now just the thought of her is arousing.

I must be losing my mind. I wondered if she is a succubus or a vampire, as they are known to have ways to enchant others and induce production of oxytocin when someone thinks of them, creating the illusion of falling in love to the point of obsession. However, I met several succubi as well as vampires and I am confident that Seraphina is neither. What the hell is she? I never smelled anything like it. It was human, but… different. Intoxicating.

I know that Aldus is not joking. He never tells jokes and he is known to look a creature in the eye and talk about gruesome torture like he is discussing pleasant weather. And then he executes the torture with the same calm demeanor.

Aldus told me to stay away from Seraphina and he means it, but it seems that the beast within me is not willing to listen. This is a losing battle no matter what I do but angering Aldus is not an option. I need him to talk to Caleb and I need him for many other things as well.

Aldus is the biggest monster I've met, but I am aware that I am alive and enjoying my lifestyle thanks to him.

"I can do this… I can do this…", I chanted while staring at the clock, wishing for the seconds to pass faster because Aldus told me that we can leave and deal with Caleb shortly after breakfast, and Aldus was always punctual.

I wanted to leave last night, but I gave up on that because there is a chance Aldus will not deal with Caleb if I'm not around, and honestly, I thought that I will get used to this Seraphina-effect which is driving me crazy.

Seeing that morning light didn't help in calming me down, I decided to hit the gym and burn some of my pent-up energy. As a bonus, it will help me pass the time.

Halfway down the hallway, Seraphina's scent hit me hard and before I had a chance to return to my room, I was already in the gym, passing her a bottle of water and smiling like an idiot, despite her obvious displeasure.

It seems that I interrupted something.

The fact that my arousal is stretching my shorts is not helping.

I throbbed from the need to touch her despite Aldus's anger which prickled my skin.

"You are up early, Lazarus.", Aldus said in a disapproving tone that reminded me I should keep my distance.

Aldus groaned and gestured toward my feet. "Serina was in the middle of jumping exercises and whenever you decide to move from the platform, she can jump on it."

"Oh…", a confused sound escaped my lips.

I probably looked like an idiot because I felt like one. From last night's staring, I progressed to a sleazy 'in-your-face' approach. Great, just great.

I cleared my throat and kept the water bottle which Seraphina ignored on the floor.

"I will be on the treadmill. Over there…", I pointed to my right even though the treadmill was on the left. I am an absolute idiot.

Music blasted through my earphones as I ran like a maniac while forcing myself to stare at my feet.

I wanted to leave the gym, but my beast didn't want to and the rest of me didn't want to admit how weak I am, so I kept on running as Seraphina's sweet scent filled my nostrils.

It was torturous, comparable to what Aldus did to me about two centuries ago after I offended him. Maybe worse.

Is it possible that I turned into a masochist? There is no other explanation why I am not leaving the gym, despite knowing that nothing good will come out of this. If my reasoning returns, I will buy a one-way plane ticket to somewhere far away.

'Maybe you should get her some flowers…', my beast whispered into my mind.

'Shut it! Don't you want to live?', I hissed back silently.

'Chocolates usually work. Go for the expensive ones…', my beast continued giving me ideas and I could not believe those words came from the same beast I know for centuries. What happened with the 'go and grab what you want' attitude?

'Play the violin for her. Girls like serenading…'

'Did you hit your head?', I asked even though I knew that we are sharing one head, but there was no other explanation for this sudden change in attitude.

'And I am horrible at playing any instrument. I don't have the patience for that…', I mentally reminded my beast.

'This is your chance to learn…', my beast said in a singing voice that sounded more like a purr.

I groaned in frustration while trying to put my beast to sleep or at least to mute him somehow.

By the time I came out of my thoughts, I was still running on the treadmill and I realized that I am on my own. Aldus and Seraphina left, leaving Seraphina's intoxicating scent lingering in the air. The lack of Seraphina in my visual range left me disappointed.

I hopped off the treadmill and paused at the sight of a small white towel on the floor. Isn't this the same towel that was around Seraphina's neck? It seems that she left me a souvenir. Of course, I knew that it was there for the staff to pick it up, but I chose to believe a lie that she left it for me.

I held the towel in my hand and buried my face in it, taking a deep breath and I enjoyed profusely as Seraphina's scent filled me completely. It was not as good as inhaling her directly, but this is the closest thing I've got, and I will roll with it.

It was a mixture of ecstasy and agony, having her scent etching into my brain yet knowing that this is as far as I can go.

There is no way that I will approach her and tell her about the whole mate story because only a crazy woman would accept a relationship that is doomed for failure. If she hears that I am obsessed with her, yet it's not the real thing, she will despise me. By staying away at least I get to watch her from the distance. Maybe.

Frustrated by my impotence, I stomped back into my room like a rebellious teenager. It seems that my brain is deteriorating.

After a shower, it's breakfast time, and then I can leave this place and hopefully forget about Seraphina.

Breakfast was another form of torture and I am confident that Seraphina scooted her chair closer to Aldus, as if she is requesting his protection from me. Is she scared of me?

'Oh, no, sweet Serina… don't be scared. I need you close.', my beast whined in my head, and I felt like slapping myself.

She was sitting on the other side of an endless dining table, wearing jeans and a white blouse and her hair was lifted into a neat ponytail, leaving her neck exposed. My nostrils expanded as I remembered the strengths of her scent when I inhaled it yesterday in the garden as my nose traced her skin. I swallowed hard.

She was alluring, beautiful, fresh, enchanting… 'mine', my beast added, and I cursed myself for not being able to shut him up.

"When do we leave?", I asked Aldus, incapable to contain my impatience to leave from here.

I could see that Seraphina was confused and slightly panicked. Is she going to miss me?

My excitement dwindled when I heard her questions directed at Aldus…

"You are leaving, father? When? Where? For how long? Can I come?"

Aldus smiled at her. "Serina, it's work. I will leave shortly after breakfast. I should be back by tomorrow evening. You stay here."

"Can I come?", she repeated her last question, visibly distressed and I wished to hug her worries away. Well, I would definitely do more than hugging, but we can start with that.

I forced myself to focus on reality and to listen to Aldus's words.

"Sorry. It's too dangerous. Be a good girl. Stay here, and study. I will quiz you when I get back and if you do well, I will take you to a fair."

The room visibly brightened, or maybe that was her smile… and I was back to grinning like an idiot. The pressure in my groin stretched my pants and I realized that I am aroused. What is wrong with me?

Mental images of Seraphina smiling at me flashed in my mind… her biting her lip seductively… wrapping her lips around my shaft… I need to get out of here!

I stood up and asked Aldus a question to which he didn't answer: "When are we leaving?"

Aldus checked his wristwatch. "At ten-thirty."

At Aldus's words, Seraphina released a disappointed sigh that (to me) sounded like the most seductive invitation I ever heard, and my cock lurched in response painfully.

'Grr… how I wish to sink myself in her flesh…', my beast growled in my head.

Oh, God! My departure is more than one hour away. Will I be able to survive that much without jumping on Seraphina and invoking Aldus's wrath? In her presence, I am close to losing my mind, and my head as well.

"I will see you then.", I said to Aldus while storming out of the dining room.

My eyes fell on the maid that was cleaning the glass window in the hallway. I was desperately looking for a distraction or a way to relieve the suffocating pressure, and this maid might do.


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