Destined for each other?

Author's note: this chapter is from Seraphina's point of view


I raised my gaze and found myself in the familiar classroom, sitting on my own in the far right corner, behind a desk that is designed for two.

I looked around and saw faceless people who are definitely my classmates. Most of them are paired up or in small groups and chatting. Based on their close interaction, I assume that they all know each other well.

Why am I isolated? I am not sure, but I am definitely an outsider, and hostility mixed with rejection around me is tangible. The best I can hope from this bunch of people (aka classmates) is that they will ignore me.

I don't want to attract trouble and I lowered my head while trying to avoid the world. Keeping a low profile came to me naturally and I am confident that I did this often.

With my peripheral vision, I saw a shape appearing at the door. Is that another classmate? There are only a few free spots left in the classroom and I hope that he (or she) does not come to sit next to me. It's better to be on my own. Somehow, I am used to it, like I never had a real friend.

The clamor in the classroom subsided and it seems that most of my classmates focused on the figure standing at the door. Is that a teacher?

I directed my gaze toward the figure at the door and my breath hitched when I met a pair of familiar deep blue eyes that stared at me as possessed.

It felt like we are seeing each other for the first time, yet I was sure that I know what he is thinking, and I could feel his desire to come closer to me.

Duke didn't look away and neither did I.

I never returned a boy's gaze so boldly. I was embarrassed, yet unable to break eye contact. It was spellbinding.

He moved inside the classroom and his eyes didn't leave mine, ignoring that everyone was ogling his way. Girls were drooling over him, and boys were jealous of his imposing mien, yet he acted as if I am the only person in the classroom.

With every step of distance reducing between us I was becoming more aware of his presence that engulfed my senses.

Duke stopped next to my desk and licked his lips slowly. "Is someone sitting here?"

He threw a quick glance at the empty chair on my right before his eyes locked on mine again.

I wanted to respond, but there was no air in my lungs. He took away my breath, literally. I inhaled forcibly. "Uhm… no."

He broke into a smile that created butterflies in my stomach.

"Alright. Then I will sit here. If you don't mind."

"I don't.", I breathed.

I stared at him as he took a seat on the chair next to mine.

His perfume made me dizzy, or maybe that was his proximity, and I was painfully aware that everyone is looking at us. Actually, they are looking at him and cursing at me, and I had to ask: "Why did you sit here?"

His eyebrow arched and a playful smirk danced at the corner of his lips for a second, before he inched closer as if he is about to tell me a secret.

"Why not? You are the most beautiful girl I ever saw. I am lucky that no one sat here before me, so I get to enjoy your company. It feels like we are destined for each other. Don't you agree?"

I swallowed hard while cursing myself for the heat that invaded my cheeks. I hoped that he didn't notice me blushing or at least that he will not mention it. Why am I reacting so strongly to his sweet-talking? And why am I unable to stop gaping at him? Is my mouth open? I hope not.

I was desperate to hide my emotional turmoil. I decided to use sarcasm: "Wow! A guy handsome enough to be school-royalty said I am the most beautiful. Well, thank you, my lord."

He chuckled. "Lord? That's a first. I could be a knight or a duke. I think that fits me better."

I decided to play along. "Duke? I agree. It fits you. I will call you Duke."

He gave me a small bow, silently accepting the nickname I gave him. "And how should I call you, my beautiful maiden?"

I opened my mouth to answer and froze. What is my name? I wanted to say 'Seraphina', but it didn't sound right.

Everything turned dark and my eyes fluttered open.

I was disappointed that it's another dream, and happy that I've got to see Duke again. He was handsome as ever.

I wondered, will I ever get to meet him for real? Are my dreams close to what actually happened? There is a chance that all this is a big bunch of rubbish, not worth more than a bag full of fog.

Regardless if the dreams are real or not, the lingering feeling Duke leaves behind is as real as it can be. And this dream made my heart flutter. His gaze pierced through my façade of a brave girl who does not need anyone, like he is looking at the real me who is craving for approval and a sense of security… and it seemed that he liked what he saw and I knew that he was willing to give me both his approval and security.

If this dream was from my past, I met Duke in school, probably on the first day of high school. Also, unless I am a psychic to guess names randomly, his name is not Duke. That is a nickname I decided to use for him.

I was back to the jitters inside my stomach. Was it love at first sight? That could explain the intensity of this dream that filled me with skittish anticipation, while other dreams gave me a sense of belonging and unconditional acceptance. I couldn't distinguish if he also had feelings for me or if it was just shameless flirting, but Duke's presence always made me feel at home.

It's unfortunate that I find comfort in my dreams, while reality scares the shit out of me. Every morning I wake up with the hope that it's real, and that Duke is out there, searching for me, and that we will meet, and I will experience holding onto his hand and seeing that devilish smile that makes my heart flutter.

The thing that I find unsettling is that dreams about Duke are limited to my high school. Today's dream explains why there are no earlier images of him, but what about after? I am definitely beyond high school age. Did we break up? He is always flirting and acting carefree, but his eyes are showing endless love and care, and I can't imagine that we broke up because even through the dreams, I know that he is the one my heart chose.

My dreams are strangely consistent, as if they are slowly revealing my past, layer by layer. I need to do some research on the relation between memory loss and dreams, and hopefully understand what is going on with me.

I closed my eyes, to recollect from the dream as many details as possible before morning takes them away.


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