Seeking help from a witch (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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With signora Durand gone, I went to the lab to find Aldus.

"How long will signora Durand going to keep on coming here?", I asked Aldus.

"Until she says that you mastered her lessons.", Aldus responded, and he saw me puffing my cheeks. "Tough first day?"

I grimaced. "She made me walk while balancing books on my head. Do you know that she carries a stick with her, and she beats me with it when she is not happy? For repeated offenses, she hits harder!"

Aldus didn't understand my point. "Her lessons are valuable, they will build your character, and most importantly, knowing how to behave in different circumstances will build your confidence. Considering your healing capability, a smack here or there should not make a difference, and as you learn, things will get easier. Balancing books is nothing compared to your ballet lessons that start tomorrow."


I was impressed with Aldus's efficiency in hiring tutors for me, and Aldus confirmed that all my tutors are females and humans.

My days became busy between three tutors and studying.

Signora Durand would arrive every morning for etiquette class from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. These classes were held anywhere in the mansion, depending on the current topic we covered on that day.

My ballet class with signora Simone was from 11 AM to 12 PM in the gym. Some of the exercising machines were rearranged and barre was added on the mirrored wall, so that I can practice my moves. I didn't like the stringent posture requirements, but I admired my elegance in the mirror once I achieved what signora Simone required. My toes hurt like hell, but my healing ability kicked in, and soon I would forget the hardships.

Madame Dupont, the painting tutor, came in the afternoon from 2 PM to 3 PM. I was excited to learn about all the techniques and proportions and lighting, and I could not wait for us to move from sketching apples and pears onto portraits because that will allow me to draw my Duke and pull him out of my dreams into reality.

Other than that, I focused on learning Latin, biology, chemistry, and anything else Aldus threw my way.

I completed all available lessons for the Italian language, and I was at the point where I could communicate with some slight stumbling on non-common words. Chatting with Maria in Italian was relaxing, and I enjoyed her bubbly personality which surfaced as we spent more time together.

My dreams added bits and pieces to the mosaic of my memories, and I would write them in my journal. I was happy to get clear images of my previous surroundings and even some street names popped up. Google street view confirmed that my dreams are showing real locations, and I was confident that soon I will remember my name and everything that comes with it. Soon.

Was I happy? I was not sure. But the tutors brought structure and variety to my schedule and I was busy.

Days passed without me noticing and with all the things happening, the whole pheromone-control thing slipped at the back of my mind.

More than once I remembered the lab (the real one) and Krob, and I asked Aldus if we can go back there, and he said that we will but without committing to it.

I wanted to go back to that indoor garden where Bulbine wasps are and to learn about all the plants and also to explore the remaining rooms which I'm yet to see, but Aldus told me that I am still not ready. I was not sure what that 'ready' was, but I had faith that he had a plan.

About two weeks after our visit to the fair…

I covered the basics with all three tutors, and the lessons reduced to three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), while I practiced on my own on other days. This freed up my schedule and I enjoyed spending late afternoons in the garden. The majestic display of the Ligurian sea glistening under the descending sun never disappoints.

I found Aldus sitting in the garden, on my favorite bench. It was a rare sight, considering that he is usually stuck in his lab. Was he waiting for me?

He was staring into the distance, and I was confident that he was aware of my presence, even though he didn't move a muscle.

"Do you mind if I join you?", I asked as I approached him.

He turned to meet my gaze. "Feel free to."

"Is there something on your mind?"

Aldus pressed his lips into a line. "Lazarus wants to visit."

Panic swell inside me. "He is coming?"

"No. I told him that this is not a good time."

I exhaled in relief, but I could not stop images flooding my mind and remembering my first meeting with Lazarus. It was in this same garden, and it jogged my memory… "What about my training to control the pheromones?"

Aldus released a long breath. "There is a woman who can give you insight and maybe provide guidance."

I sensed that there is more to it. "But?"

"It's a double-edged sword…", Aldus said. "She is a witch who specializes in using her powers to manipulate others."

"You don't trust that she will help me.", I guessed the reason behind Aldus's lack of enthusiasm.

Aldus nodded faintly before explaining: "She agreed to see us, but that does not guarantee she will be friendly. In our world, no one survives for centuries by being a good person."

"Centuries? I thought that witches are humans with powers. How can she live for centuries?"

Aldus stifled a laugh. "Magic."

I pouted. "You told me that magic is the science I don't understand."

"Correct. And you don't understand how she can prolong her lifespan, so… it's magic.", he said cheekily.

I felt like pinching him hard for this. Is he making fun of me? Well, at least his mood improved.

Aldus looked at me seriously. "Serina, when we meet her, she will probably want to look into your past in order to understand the situation and conditions when your pheromones go off the chart."

My eyes widened when I realized how that woman holds a key to unlock all the pieces I'm missing. "If she can see my past, then…"

"No.", Aldus cut me off. He knew where I was going with that. "You can't trust her words. She will tell you what you want to hear and use it to manipulate you."

My excitement dwindled, and I told myself that Aldus is doing what is best for me. He found me a person who can help me in controlling my power, and I need to focus on that. No amount of knowledge about my past will help me if I can't leave this mansion because my pheromones could make anyone in my vicinity go crazy.

One thing popped into my mind. "You said that my resurrection is a secret, what if she sees that when she looks into my past?"

"Witches need to say their spells in order to work. She can't see more than what she asks to be seen, and I will ensure that she does not cross the line. However, she can manipulate words in order to see things you will not expect. I need you to be mentally prepared."

I realized Aldus's dilemma. He probably had a hard time finding someone who can help and won't try to dissect me. After all, he told me that all creatures keep their abilities a secret, and this woman does not seem to be on good terms with Aldus. "If I can't trust her words, how will she guide me to control my power?"

"It will be up to you to decide if you will follow her instructions or not. I will be by your side, measuring the output of your pheromones and ensuring your safety.", Aldus said. "Keep in mind that she is not a kind soul. Think about this and let me know if you want to see her and I will set up an appointment. This is the most I can do."

"I assume that her services will not come for free.", I said timidly while wondering what a witch might ask for a payment. Probably not money.

For some reason, my words struck Aldus and he was unable to hide complex emotions that flashed over his face. And then he smiled... a warm smile that reached his eyes. A rare sight, indeed.

"Don't worry about it, Serina. I want to take you to the company and several other places. Don't you want to meet the werewolves who work as my security? We can do all that once you learn to control your power."

I felt guilt swelling inside me. With tutors and learning things while deciphering my dreams and chatting with Maria, it was easy to forget about problems and get lost in the comfort of security that Aldus and this home provide.

Like a child who is avoiding to do challenging work, I pushed the pheromone issue at the back of my mind, and I didn't even try to do anything on my own… and here is Aldus, figuring it out for me with a promise to take me places. If I could pick a father, I would pick him.

"Thank you for everything you do for me. I really appreciate it."

Aldus was visibly surprised by my words.

"I want to see her.", I declared.


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