The young master

Author's note: this is from Sergio's point of view

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It was not easy to tell the young master that I came to him empty-handed. Again.

If this was about any other girl, I would not hesitate, but after eight years of listening to how perfect Sanya was, I knew that the girl had a special place in his heart, even though I was unable to empathize with him.

I'm not an expert with kids, as I have none of my own, and I'm not a parental type. Maybe I and the young master appear to be about the same age, but I am about 400 years older than he is, so I will always see him as a kid who is difficult to handle.

After the first few days with the young master, I felt my patience slipping and I wanted nothing more than to slap discipline into him.

I was tired of listening to him whinnying how he hates his father and that he never wanted to leave his friends, lifestyle, and everything else his father provided him with until then. He was spoiled to the bone and acted like he was the only one with problems.

The little brat didn't want to go to school and it took all I had to convince him to give it a chance without breaking him in two.

When he returned from the first day of high school while humming a tune, I was confident that a different kid entered the apartment. He had a goofy smile on his face, and I initially thought that he was drinking or maybe his classmates gave him drugs. It took me some time to realize that he fell in love.

The girl provided a welcome distraction, or so I thought at the moment. After all, it's normal for teenagers to fall in love; a boy sees a girl and he thinks that he found THE one, and that lasts until a week later when he meets his next THE one.

The first year of high school was fine, then the second one, and on the third one I confirmed that something is off. How come young master is not seeing any other girl? That was too long for a teenage crush, and when he told me that he never kissed her, I got concerned.

Sure, Sanya was cute and she had a few curves, but she was not a beauty that should muddle his mind completely. I saw this same young master back in Italy, surrounded by all kinds of ladies, many of them older than he was, and just like any other teenager, he would respond to them and take advantage of the situation. But after he met Sanya, it was as all the lights went off, and there was only one spotlight directed at Sanya like she was the only female in the world.

When he told me that he will keep his distance from Sanya during college, I was ecstatic. Finally, that worry was gone. I believed that four years should be plenty of time for him to forget about her, but to my surprise, the time didn't diminish his longing for her, it made it stronger.

He would ask me to follow her occasionally and to take notes on where she was going and whom she was seeing, and sometimes he would follow her himself. It was disturbing.

The only time the young master was not obsessing over Sanya was when he focused on his schoolwork or earning money by trading stocks. I must say that I was impressed with the results of both. The young master finished his four years of college in three (with honors), and he earned a hefty sum on the stock market without tapping into the account his father left him.

In front of my eyes, the obnoxious brat was growing into a fine young man, with the only blemish being Sanya who was keeping him grounded like an invisible anchor without her actual presence in his life.

My first priority was to keep him safe, and an unhealthy attachment to a girl is a liability I had to remove. If we are discovered and need to flee, he will not leave her behind and that will put us in direct danger.

With his twentieth birthday, I started dragging him to parties and nightclubs, and even arranged a few dinner-dates for him, thinking that when he sees the vast selection of ladies, he will remember what he was missing on. I failed, and I realized that the young master was smart. It took me some time to comprehend that he went to those places only to placate me and not because he was interested.

During the first year of college, the young master and Sanya exchanged text messages and spoke on the phone daily and I understood that I need a different strategy, so I decided to make it so that she rejects him.

I took photos of him with girls I set him up with, and sent those photos anonymously to Sanya, believing that once she sees him being chummy with other women, she will be the one to push him away. Sure, the young master never touched any of those women, but Sanya didn't know that as the photos I took provided ambiguous angles whose interpretation could be left to the viewer's imagination. Why would she maintain a long-distance relationship with a guy who was having dinners and attending parties with other girls? Well, that plan worked halfway because she distanced herself by not answering his calls, and I heard the young master say how she was not texting him anymore but only responded to his texts. However, she didn't cut him off completely and despite their reduced communication, the young master didn't lose hope that he will reunite with Sanya.

I feared that once the college is over, he will be back with her and that will bring another set of headaches.

I must admit that part of me was glad to hear that she went missing during her trip to Venice. Maybe now the young master cools off and looks at this rationally, but things are escalating.

I saw him slamming the wall and damaging the bricks. He was losing control we worked hard on.

When he threatened to rip my throat out because I insinuated that Sanya is not special, I felt the oppression, the one that alpha can produce. How is that possible? Isn't he the defected offspring without his wolf?

When we arrived in London, I knew that the young master has a healing ability, characteristic of werewolves.

He was about eighteen when I saw him outrun a bus he was trying to catch, in order to avoid being late for his class.

He was around twenty-one when he broke a traffic light post with his bare hands like it was a dry twig and that amount of strength was impressive even for werewolves.

After that, I started to coach him to act more human which was difficult considering that I couldn't disclose the whole werewolf side of the story, but he seemed to believe that there is an extra gene running in his family that granted him 'superpowers' and that if he reveals it recklessly he will end up in some lab being dissected. It all fit with the backstory of why we had to flee from Italy (because people were after his father for that extra gene). That was far from the truth, and I was not sure if he believed me, but he stopped asking questions.

I was dejected that the young master was getting werewolf abilities over time. It's not that I hate the brat, but I am not a babysitter, and if he inherits longevity, this mission will take much longer than 60 years, and it will put me in a position where I will need to explain why he is not aging (or why I'm not aging) without mentioning werewolves. Ah, what a headache!


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