An apprentice alchemist (2)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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This lab had two doors in the far corner and Aldus told me that I can inspect anything, but I should not touch things without his permission.

I rolled my eyes silently. We were back to the no-touching rule, but I didn't dare to complain, because Aldus might change his mind and kick me out.

Anyway, this is my first time here, so visual inspection should suffice.

I carefully moved toward one of the doors and I found myself in a room that was filled with all sorts of books.

Fist-sized brown crystals were protruding from the walls, radiating dull yellow light, and illuminating the space.

Numerous books were neatly arranged on the shelves, and some books were stacked on the tables, and several books were bound by chains. I wondered if those chains were to keep others from peeking inside, or maybe to prevent something from coming out.