An unexpected discovery (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I sat on my bed with the spiky measuring device in front of me, armed with newly found determination as I thought about everything I did so far to get my pheromones stirring.

My practice sessions would start with me sitting and getting into the right state per Vesper's instructions.

Next, I would focus on one of the incidents that got me previously scared to the point of getting my pheromones spiking with the goal to sense changes in my body, grasp that feeling and try to control it.

Just like in my dreams, I would be vividly aware of everything happening to me to the point of feeling it with all my senses, but I was only an observer without the power to change the course of events.

I thought about each memory I was using; how I met Lazarus, when the people from the fair chased after me, and when I met Krob, and I felt… nothing much.

Immediately, I understood the problem.