A puzzle full of surprises

Author's note: this is from Aldus's point of view

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I listened as Serina narrated her last moments as a mortal, and I barely contained the flood of questions mixed in with curses, in order not to disturb her.

The tension that built inside the room over the course of her story became tangible from the moment she mentioned that her drink was spiked by the girls with whom she went to Venice.

I found myself consumed in rage as Serina spoke about how she was helpless while her so-called friends watched and took photos of some creep manhandling her.

Humans disgust me in general. They are petty creatures, easily manipulated by jealousy and greed to the point of betraying their own kin. No wonder everyone thinks of humans as a lowly race. Humans are spending their short lifespans chasing after money, power, and fame like they can take any of those into the afterlife. No matter how much they have, it's never enough.