Nostalgia, worry, and maybe a coincidence

Author's note: this is from Sergio's point of view

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~ London ~

Ever since we returned from Paris, the young master is focused on his physical training and increasing his wealth, almost as possessed.

He prolonged his morning runs and intensified training sessions in the gym. With the amount of exercise he is getting, I would easily mistake him for a werewolf that is craving to shift into his wolf form and let loose, but I know that he doesn't have his wolf, so I'm not sure what to think of this.

When he is not sweating in the gym, the young master is reading business news and researching the market.

I entered his study and paused at the sight of the young master whose eyes were narrowed in concentration at the numbers on the screen in front of him. Other than his blue eyes, he physically doesn't resemble his father, but at that moment, nostalgia hit me, as the ghost of my Alpha overlapped with the image of the young Master in front of me.