Twin angler (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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~ Paris ~

It's the fifth day of me spending hours in Vesper's apartment, mostly meditating alone in this dimly lit room, like right now.

Before I start my hours of meditation, Vesper would hold my hands and instruct me to adjust my breathing in specific ways and to feel the difference, and then she would leave me for prolonged periods of time before coming to check on me.

I was excited on the first day, thinking that I'm close to my goal of controlling pheromones, but my frustration grew as I couldn't sense any progress. Sure, it took me only a few seconds to get into the right state and I am able to adjust outputs to the desired level almost instantaneously, but I still didn't get any advice on how to prevent pheromones from surging uncontrollably.