Witnessing a bank robbery

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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As soon as I exited the portal, I exhaled in relief when I realized that I returned to where it started, in the back room of the sketchy bar.

The hooded creature gestured to me to head out of the room, when my phone rang.

"Yes, father. I am fine…", I responded to frantic inquiries from Aldus.

I was not fine. I was dirty and I smelled bad, and I had a horrible time in the Misty Forest, but I didn't want to make Aldus worry. I will tell him everything later, in person.

I glanced at Vesper who lost color from her face as I ended my call with Aldus, "We will talk when I reach home, father… Yes, I'm done, so it will be soon."

We stepped into the hallway when Vesper said, "You should clean up first. Give me a moment…"

I narrowed my eyes at her. Was she trying to be nice?

Vesper returned with the bartender who ushered me to a room upstairs.