Lesson on credibility

Author's note: this is from Aldus's point of view

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As we sat at the dining table and the maids were bringing in the food, my mind drifted toward our upcoming trip to London.

It's inevitable that Serina will want to visit places from her past and that will carry a risk of bumping into people who know her.

I didn't think about this previously, because her trip to London was something that will happen in the future. But now that the future is only one week away, there are many possibilities we need to plan for in order to avoid this turning into a disaster. 

Serina is probably aware that it's not a good idea for her parents, Adele, Willow, and Ruby to be aware Serina (aka Sanya) is back (and alive). Not yet. We still don't have a plan for dealing with them and considering Serina's mysterious background, there could be others who want to harm her.

Going there openly will alarm them and disperse any advantage that Serina has.