A stormy night (3)

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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WARNING: Mature content

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~ London ~

Sleep descended upon me as I was thinking about Sanya, as usually.

I didn't expect that I would wake up with a female latching onto me like I'm her lifeline.

How did she get here? Was this one of Sergio's sick pranks? I knew that he was trying to get me to meet some women, but this was crossing the line!

I wanted to push her away, but then the scent of jasmine with a hint of Japanese wisteria filled my nostrils and I blinked while trying to confirm that was Sanya, but it was too dark.

Why was my room so dark? Is that a storm outside? I needed a few seconds to focus on my sight in order to see more than outlines.

Since when is Sanya this brave? She was always shy, but maybe she got a bit of courage over the years.

Her shoulders shook slightly, and her head snapped up.