A decoy lab

Author's note: this is from Aldus's point of view

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Fynn led the way and showed Serina common areas in the packhouse. Otto and Bert were two steps behind them, followed by Zoe, Ash, and Luca. I was at the back.

I observed Fynn fawning over Serina and the way Otto and Bert looked at her and I occasionally checked the gauge for Serina's pheromones. They were normal. What's going on?

Objectively speaking, Serina is an attractive female. I would understand if they want to leave a good impression, or invite her for a drink, but this was... strange.

Fynn and I are not friends. Our relationship is based on mutual benefits.

The werewolves secure lands around Notte Pharmaceuticals and I give them a place to live. We agreed to this because both of us have respect for Damiano, otherwise it would not happen.