
Author's note: this is from Ottavio's point of view

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I was pleased to hear reports from Martine, Nila, and Horacio that the newcomers did well. They completed their tasks and didn't complain. That's good enough for me.

As someone who allocates duties, it's important to know that they are done. Teenagers can be willful and tend to skim over responsibilities, and I was prepared to give them a speech on how everyone needs to contribute, but these pups did well.

Before dinner, Fynn warned me, "She is mine and you are to stay away."

I would usually yield, but my wolf growled in protest. Jett doesn't talk much, so when he speaks up (or growls), I listen.

It took me less than a second to come up with a response for Fynn that will make me stay close to Seraphina.

"It doesn't appear she is smitten by you, Fynn. How about this… I will be your wingman and if there are signs that you are making a progress, I will let you have your privacy."