Seraphina returns to London (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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The pain of the bracelet merging with my skin caught me by surprise.

The scorching sensation was something I never experienced. It was not about the flesh, it was like the bracelet burned my soul and I know it lasted only for a few seconds, but it felt like hours.

Based on Aldus's and Killian's reactions, this was NOT supposed to happen.

I touched my wrist and confirmed that the skin is smooth. Other than the faint grooves on my inner wrist shaped as the pendant I admired a minute ago, there were no lumps or bumps to confirm that there is metal under my skin.

Did I absorb it?

Crap! I hope it's not some weird ability where I started absorbing metals. This would be more than just inconvenient.

As I followed Aldus down into the basement, I touched a doorknob, a metallic figurine, and two sabers that were hanging on the wall. So far so good.