Seraphina returns to London (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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After about ten minutes, we got stuck in traffic. While the car was moving, I was observing the changing scenery, but now there was nothing.

The silence was stifling, and I wanted to break it somehow.

"So… Marius… How long are you working for my father?"

"Two hundred and seventy-three years.", he responded right away.

I calculated that being somewhere in the mid 1700-ies. Time of knights and princesses, I thought.

"Why did you decide to work for him?"

To become a familiar, it requires both parties to agree. I didn't expect Marius to tell me the reasons he accepted to be Aldus's lifelong servant without the power to resist Aldus's orders, but as long as we keep the talk going, it's fine.