The new heiress (9)

Author's note: this is from Magda's point of view

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My father hummed, confirming that he knows the event I mentioned before sharing additional information, "It was an event for employees of Notte Pharmaceuticals, and Mr. Mezanotte, the owner, announced that his daughter will work by his side. It seems that people are impressed by that young lady and my sources tell me it sounded like Mr. Mezzanotte was announcing his company's transition to new leadership."

New leadership? So other than being pretty and smart she will take over her father's company? Her father is either reckless or she is capable, but none of those matters. My focus is on figuring out how to get close to her and I need to do it before she completely bewitches Drago. I don't care about anything else.

Now for my next step. "She sounds important and lots of fun. Do you think I can meet her?"