Bonding with Calista (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"You are leaving already?", I asked Calista in disbelief over breakfast.

Yesterday, Calista mentioned that she wants to travel and see the world, but I didn't think that she will leave so soon. She just got here yesterday!

Calista and I chatted last night until late and it was fun.

She spoke to me about Lemuria and life in the castle and I acquired a better understanding of Aldus's family and I confirmed they are definitely royals.

As much as it sounds glamorous, I also found out that Calista is mostly lonely and desperately trying to fill her time with various hobbies and activities. Her high status is shackling her to the castle, without friends and without the freedom to do what she wants.

I wondered, how did Aldus escape such a lifestyle?

Calista's eyes lit up when she spoke about official functions that she was allowed to attend and how everyone respects Aldus.