Lazarus arrived (for his date)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was sad that Calista left because we were getting along fine. I knew she had her reasons and maybe this separation was needed for both of us to digest this sudden relationship that was forced on us due to the aunt-niece connection.

I was hoping to go to the lab and start practicing flame control for the alchemic cauldron, but Aldus told me he has some things to settle, and we will not work today.

"Lazarus will be here later, you should get ready and we can work tomorrow."

Get ready? I don't need hours to get ready! But I didn't want to complain. Aldus was busy and I could keep myself busy as well. Relaxing and reflecting on the past few days (or weeks) will do me good as too many things happened.

I decided to spend some time in the sunroom; it's my favorite spot in the villa.