The storm from within (5)

Author's note: this is from Lazarus's point of view

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"Can you two be quiet?", Aldus hissed. "Thank you for being here Lazarus, Graike. If you have any matters to tend to, you can leave. Graike, with this, our score is settled. Lazarus, I will let you know of any changes."

I couldn't believe this. He is chasing me out!

"You want me to leave?", I asked, unable to conceal my irritation.

"You are noisy, and I can't work.", Aldus responded curtly.

"I will be quiet. I want to be here for Serina.", I said quickly.

Aldus let out a long exhale. "Fine. You can stay."

"I will also stay.", Graike said while giving me a smug side-glance, taking advantage of the fact that Aldus was focused on the unconscious Serina. "You said that I can check if she is a thunder mage and also, I need to ensure that my patient is well and awake so that she can thank me properly."