Another pursuer

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was confused. Why would Graike pick owing a favor to Aldus in exchange for staying until I wake up? Some things didn't add up.

"What's the deal with Graike?", I finally asked Aldus the question that was on my mind since I entered the dining room for dinner. "He is staring at me like he never saw a woman before."

"He is a dragon.", Aldus stated the fact. "They have a soft spot for beautiful women, and you are a beautiful woman."

I read about dragons and I knew they like women, but now that Aldus said it and I connected it with Graike's stare, I felt my hair rising. "He is not dangerous. Is he?"

"He will not dare take you by force. But he will try.", Aldus responded with a stiff smile. All three of them agreed to give you space tonight. I'm sure they will approach you in the morning."