
Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was worried that Lazarus and Graike will start fighting. In a match of a werewolf against a dragon, I was quite sure that werewolf is the one who gets squished or roasted. How could Alex defeat a one-ton flying creature that has scales for armor?

I didn't understand what was going on, but I heard the words spoken.

As much as I was touched that Lazarus took a stance to shield me, I couldn't allow him to get hurt.

I circled around Lazarus and stood between him and Graike before asking, "What's the importance of Graike giving me a ride?"

Lazarus gave me an annoyed look and I was not sure if he was angry at Graike or at me.

"Do you think that dragons give anyone a ride on their back?", Lazarus snapped.