Trip to Greece

Author's note: this is from Aldus's point of view

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I was relieved when Serina finally woke up after her six days-long slumber.

Just as Vesper diagnosed, Serina was trapped in her memories, too weak to face the reality. When Vesper said how this can last months or years I was dejected.

Serina made great progress in the last few months. I revived her in my lab and watched her grow from a shy girl into a confident young woman. She took classes and passed all tests I put her through, yet one bad news made it all crumble, telling me that her foundations are still shaky.

Luckily, Lazarus was able to eavesdrop on her conversation and I send Marius to investigate. It was easy for Marius to figure out that Mona's words were just rumors. I blame Mona for not checking if her information is true before spreading it further, but I will leave that for Serina to handle.