Meeting harpies

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I lost track of time when we reached a long crevice in the steep rocky mountain wall. It was hidden behind some tall bushes and unless one knows where to look, it's easy to miss.

"Is this the one?", I asked to what Aldus nodded and stepped inside.

I followed Aldus through the narrow tunnel that was getting darker with every step we made.

I was forcing my eyes to focus on his silhouette that was barely a shadow, when he reminded me, "You have glowstick."


The sound of the glowstick cracking was unusually loud and it echoed in the distance.

Of course, I am the one who needs assistance, as Aldus can see in the dark just fine. As much as he says that I'm amazing, next to him I always feel that I'm lacking in more ways than one.