Weak resolve

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was not sure if Duke pulled me higher or he got lower, but his face was buried in my hair above my shoulder and he inhaled a shaky breath, taking in my scent while his embrace tightened, as if he was afraid I will disappear.

I found myself melting into him and I hated how weak my resolve was.

What happened with facing the ugly truth and leaving the past behind me?

OK. OK. Calm down, Serina… I can still do that. Later.

"Where are you, Serina?", Duke's deep voice asked.

"In a cave.", I responded without thinking.

"A cave?", he was audibly surprised by my answer. "What cave?"

I realized that it's not relevant. "Why do you care?"

"Because I want to be with you. Tell me where you are."

His words sounded sincere, and my heart ached, but I had to go through this. "Why would you want to be with me? You have so many other women to choose from. Sanya is dead."