New companion

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Later that day (or night), Treva entered my room with a bowl of freshly roasted almonds. The nutty aroma was intoxicating.

I popped one in my mouth and felt like I'm chewing on a piece of heaven.

"Help yourself.", I encouraged Treva when I saw her looking at the almonds sheepishly.

She grinned and sat next to me on the sofa before carefully taking one. And another one, and another.

"Tell me to stop, Serina…", Treva said with a mouthful of almonds.

I laughed as swelled cheeks full of almonds made her look like a white chipmunk. Her elated and goofy expression was a big contrast to the stony-faced Treva that I saw on the day I arrived here.

"It's fine. I don't mind sharing my food with a friend."

Treva froze and her eyes shook. "A friend?"

I waved my hand like that is not a big deal. "Yes. That is what we are. Friends. Now eat up, there is plenty for both of us."