Visiting the old home

Author's note: this is from Mona's point of view

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In the last few days, I'm doing my best to show Serina a good time.

She is not much into parties and doesn't want to go clubbing, but she never refused to dine in a private setting or a full massage in one of my (or should I say, our) spa locations.

I must admit that her aura changed.

Serina was always beautiful, but she is not that innocent girl I used to know.

She had certain fear in her eyes, like a doe who is ready to run away at the slightest noise. Now she is elegant and confident and I didn't regret accepting her offer to be my business partner.

Serina's story is sad, and I'm glad that she fought against the currents to come on top.

I was not surprised when I heard that she changed her name. With her parents leeching off the money Serina's grandmother left, I would change my name also, if I were in her position.