Seraphina's familiar (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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After seeing me stab her in the arm, Mona entered panic mode and I feared that she will pass out or run away.

"Watch!", I exclaimed to get Mona's attention and pointed at her stab wound that was healing at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"WOW!", Mona shouted. "Holy fuck!"

I laughed while thinking how that was probably my expression when Aldus stabbed me the first time in his lab in Venice. Ah, we have come a long way since then.

"I forgot to say that other than the non-aging and resilience to diseases, you also heal fast. As long as a piece of you is not cut off completely, the wound will close without leaving a scar behind."

Mona observed her now perfectly healed arm with fervent curiosity.

"This is amazing…", she said under her breath. "If it doesn't hurt like hell, I would ask you to do it again. Is this what it means to be your familiar?"