Plans to get in the same room

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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~ London, Eclipse HQ building ~

I returned to my office in a good mood.

Finally, things are moving in the right direction, and I felt like I can breathe again.

I spent nearly three years descending into madness.

At first, I had hopes that Serina will come to me, but soon I realized that I will have better chances of drinking water with a fork.

She was insecure and closed up, unwilling to open up and tell me about her situation, and the only thing I could do was to hold her and believe that she will change her mind.

Of course, it was stupid to think she will come to the man who is the source of her pain.

I was stuck with no way of explaining myself as she believed everything is just a dream, and I feared that if I reveal that it's real, I will lose that as well, so I kept quiet and endured.