The party at the Council (5)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I took my time in the restroom while thinking about what to do next.

I didn't want to talk to Bolek or Elias. The thought of what Bolek is doing made me sick and the inappropriate images of Elias from the garden are difficult to forget.

At the same time, I remembered Calista's warning about spending too much time with Lazarus.

I don't want to encourage Lazarus, but I can't chase him away either. After all, we are friends, and friends don't tell their friends to scram because of what others might think, even when they know that the other friend wants to be more than a friend.

Do I want to be more than friends with Lazarus? He is handsome and I like spending time with him, but there is something missing. Of course, it's missing because every man pales in comparison with Duke.