The high school reunion (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I stood in front of the big building that was full of bad memories which faded under the Duke's bright smile, but now a variety of images were assaulting my mind and making me uneasy.

The past mixed with the present and potential endings to this day, and my stomach rolled into knots.

I let out a long exhale. 

I can do this. I am not weak Sanya Bogdan anymore. I am Seraphina Mezzanotte, and I can do this.

I climbed up the stairs and faced a middle-aged man who greeted me with a smile.

"Are you here for the reunion, Miss?"

"Yes." I showed him my invitation.

After throwing a quick glance at the paper in my hands, he gestured toward the stairs. "Second floor, fifth door on your left."

That was my classroom in the fourth year of high school.

"Thank you."