Extracting life essence

Author's note: this is from Serina's point of view

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~ Frankfurt, Germany ~

I reached Aldus's apartment ahead of time, nervous and giddy that I will finally meet with Duke again.

In the last five days, we saw each other via video calls twice a day. He would call me in the morning after he wakes up, and I would call him in the evening. In between those, we exchanged numerous messages.

Duke is super-handsome even with his bed hair. Every morning he would rake his fingers through his hair while trying to tame his unruly locks and apologizing that he didn't do his morning routine with an excuse how he was eager to see me as soon as possible. Can a man be any sweeter?

I hoped that he didn't go to work like that, because that messy hair made him extra attractive.

To say that I'm on top of the world is an understatement. I never knew that one person can be this happy and not explode.

For the last five days, I barely slept.