Pawns in the Thompson family (2)

Author's note: this is from Jonathan's point of view

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I knew that Magda was up to something, and it seemed that father took the bait this time.

Father is elated when Magda behaves like an obedient daughter and he lowers his guard, allowing her to manipulate him.

I did my best to sound calm, knowing that if I start an argument, it can backfire.

"Magda has a suggestion for a company we should acquire?", I wanted to make sure I understood our father correctly. 

"Mhm…", father confirmed with a hum. "She was praising the latest collection from Notte Pharmaceuticals, and she believes that they have a bright future. Having them under our umbrella might be a good move…"

Bright future my ass!

I was wondering what Magda was up to and I was confident that this unexpected bright idea from Magda was the result of the news I gave her last night.