Lazarus visits Serina

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was sitting in my bedroom with a potted iris plant in front of me. It has a bud that should bloom purple if I can't control the energy that stems from my emotions.

My vitality seeps out faster the more lifeforms are in the area and because of that, I can't practice in the sunroom or in the garden.

Also, because the practice requires me to think about Duke and our steamy moments, I prefer to do it in privacy, where others can't see me.

I wished for a measuring tool that will give me some numerical value or percentage, but Aldus said that there is no such device and that the only way to gauge my progress is to get an approximation by observing the plants.

We divided this into two parts.

The first part is to shut it down, while the second one is to use it at will and control the output.