Breakfast in Duke's apartment (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"So, Sergio…", I turned to the werewolf who was stuffing his face with an omelet like he didn't eat in days. "You said your plants bloomed. Is that unusual?"

Sergio's movements paused and I saw that he was thinking about how to answer.

"Drago told me you like plants and you have an impressive collection.", I added.

Sergio nodded and responded to my first question, "I have several rare plants in my apartment. They don't bloom often, but overnight three of them reached full bloom."

My stomach fell. I wasn't thinking about the possibility of impacting plants in surrounding apartments. Or what if there is an ivy crawling on the building's façade and I made it super-lush with the amazing orgasm from last night, and a bunch of people notices?

Luckily, Sergio had no idea that I might be the culprit.

"Three plants bloomed out of…?", I waited for him to fill in the gap.