The event at Giantshade Industries (8)

Author's note: this is from Jonathan's point of view

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I thought that things with Seraphina were going well, but then she went dancing with the Hoffman brat.

I got her back for the next dance.

She moved gracefully like a vision of a perfect woman, and she is all that and so much more.

I must admit I was turned on by her defiance.

Most of the women can't wait to warm my bed, yet there she was, challenging me and I never thought that a woman can be so sexy.

She stirred the hunter inside me. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was overwhelmed by a desire to catch and tame Seraphina, to make her mine. 

My instinct was telling me to stir away from the woman in front of me because she is the bringer of calamity, but I couldn't. She is impossible to resist.

Seraphina said she is heading to the ladies' room, and I moved into a position so that I can see the entrance to the hallway she took.