The guests arrived

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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"Get me on a date with Marius.", Mona demanded with a straight face.

Mona dated a few guys over the years, but it never got serious. As much as others were on and off, Marius is always an ongoing topic for Mona.

"I can't believe that you are still set on him. How come you didn't seduce him so far? You have all the goods."

Mona sulked. "I don't know what's the problem. From the moment I laid my eyes on him, I'm smitten, yet he is avoiding me. I mean… if he doesn't like me, why did he seduce me? Is it possible that this infatuation is one-sided? Do you think it's the boobs?"

I wanted to ask her when did Marius seduce her, but then Mona grabbed her not-so-big breasts with her hands and looked at me sorrowfully. "They are tiny. Should I get implants?"