Bellicose challenge (3)

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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The bastard had it coming.

How dares he look at MY Serina like he has any right to claim her?

Did he really think that Serina will go to him if he wins?

Did he think that he can win?

I was training and sparring since I could walk, and monstrous reflexes are ingrained into every cell of my body. That was one thing my father always approved of. Training. I polished my skills to the point of being able to defeat boys five years older than I was.

I remember as a youngster I would get hit, but I always stood up and kept going.

I don't know what a defeat is.

Actually, ever since I reached my teens, I had to hold back my strength in order not to hurt my sparring partners or mutilate my enemies (not that I had many, but a teenager ends up in a spat or two).

The fight with Lazarus was exhilarating. It's been a long time since I was able to go all out.