Mona's view of the party (2)

Author's note: this is from Mona's point of view

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I had no idea if the fight between Lazarus and Drago lasted a few seconds or a few hours, but I resumed breathing only when they stopped fighting.

Serina and Drago left the gym, and all the kids looked at Drago with awe and confusion.

Being the only adult in the room, I approached Lazarus who didn't move from his spot since his fight with Drago ended.

"Do you need help with your wounds? Some icepacks maybe?"

He looked at me like I asked something silly.

Lazarus mumbled something that I understood as rejection and walked out of the gym.

After Lazarus left, for more than a minute, no one moved or said a thing.

Emilio, Hugo, Violet, Cristina, and Chiara walked out to get ready for lunch, leaving me with Zoe, Ash, and Luca behind.

"I thought he was human.", Ash broke the silence, and I knew he was talking about Drago.