Zoe's plan (3)

Author's note: this is from Cristina's point of view

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Luca's face was veiled with concern as he observed my expression while I crumbled from the inside.

"Hey, hey… Uhm…" After stumbling over his words, Luca closed his mouth, obviously not sure what to say.

"Don't worry about it.", I managed to squeeze from my mouth while trying to keep my voice steady.

The truth was that my pride was hurt.

It's one thing if Luca has a girlfriend, but he is single, yet he rejected me. Sure, I wasn't making a move on him, that was only Zoe blabbering her mouth off, but he thought that it WAS ME and he rejected me!

I never scrutinized myself, but faced with this situation, my insecurities bubbled uncontrollably.