Parenting is hard

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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Seeing that they are silent, I spoke again sternly to Ash, Luca, and Zoe.

"I understand that you have your reasons, but violence will not be tolerated. I thought that Fynn taught you the rules on how to let out the steam without causing havoc. If you have grudges and you are unable to talk it out, you should settle things in a match with witnesses around. What you did was impulsive, and it threatens to disrupt the harmony. This is supposed to be a few days of fun and relaxing. How is anyone going to relax if the two of you want to rip each other's throats? Do you want to go home and the first thing everyone talks about is how the two of you were fighting?"

I realized that I'm not talking only about Ash and Luca, but about Duke and Lazarus as well.

But Duke and Lazarus are not kids in my care and I can't scold them nor I feel responsible for them. With these three is different.