Fostering together (3)

Author's note: this is from Duke's point of view

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Serina told me that Zoe, Luca, and Ash are getting along well and stick to each other no matter what. I believed that was the case when all three of them refused to talk, but Ash throwing Luca under the bus rubbed me the wrong way.

I felt anger stir inside me. If this is how he treats his best friend, what can others expect?

"You need to own your mistakes and not shift the blame.", I allowed my irritation to be audible and  I could see Ash shrinking.

Maybe Ash said that only because he feared that I will change my mind about giving him a chance for an internship, or maybe he really doesn't care about Luca. In the end, the reasons don't matter because actions speak for themselves. That's the lesson I was trying to teach him.