Stealing Magda's birthday party (3)

Author's note: this is from Magda's point of view

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I was in the beauty salon, getting ready for my party when Kim told me that we received another RSVP.

Kim and Anna helped me manage the guest list, so Kim was the one to check the response.

"Magda, you won't believe this…", Kim said under her breath.


"You got an RSVP.", she said like it's a big deal.

I glanced at the time. "Who is so rude to RSVP only three hours before the party starts?"

"Why don't you check?", she gave me her phone and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw the name 'Drago Orsini'.

There was even a message, "I apologize for the last-minute notice, I didn't know my schedule until now. I will compensate my rudeness with an appropriate present."

"Ha… ha… ha…", I laughed in slow motion as the information sank in. Drago is coming to my birthday party. And he apologized… and said that he will make it up to me!