The Immersion Nightclub

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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The Immersion nightclub was similar to many I saw in movies.

From the street, I could see a big line of scarcely dressed women and dapper men, bouncers at the entrance deciding who can go in, some people skipping the line… and we were among them.

Duke said something I didn't catch to the biggest guy at the door, and the bouncer nodded before gesturing for us to enter.

I was embarrassed to say that I've never been to a nightclub before, and I tried to act like I know what I'm doing.

The first thing to assault my senses was deafening music.

Darkness was pierced by strobe lights and colorful beams from the ceiling.

The nightclub was not packed with patrons, so I could observe the space.

Red and white leather booths virtually created several areas while leaving ample room for dancing.