Open communication

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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After the Immersion nightclub, Duke and I came to my apartment.

I called Maria in advance, asking her to prepare a meal. I can go without food, but Duke can't, and considering that we didn't eat at Magda's party and that we went dancing after that, I didn't want Duke to sleep on an empty stomach. The man likes to eat.

Duke grinned victoriously and gave me a smacking kiss on the lips when I handed him the card key for the underground parking.

Silly man. It doesn't take much to make him happy.

That same card key can operate the elevator of my apartment building, unlock the door of my apartment, and allow him to pass through the protective arrays.

Of course, he didn't know about the arrays, but I was preparing myself to tell him about everything. Soon.

We had dinner on the rooftop terrace.

Soft music was playing and there were candles for a romantic mood.