Serina as the bait (1)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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I was in the car with Aldus, heading to the event organized by the Council, which was on a much smaller scale than the previous one I attended.

Instead of at the massive castle in the mountains, this event was held at an undisclosed location somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Aldus and I reached the private airport South of Warsaw, where a car was arranged for us by the organizer of the event.

The driver told us that it will take about one hour to reach our destination, and since Aldus was lost deep in thoughts, I used this trip to reflect on the latest events.

After collecting samples and data from Duke more than two weeks ago in Munich, Aldus was busy with all kinds of experiments and research.

I spent my weekends with Duke, and over the weekdays I was with Aldus in the lab or in the library, trying to be useful.