Serina as the bait (3)

Author's note: this is from Seraphina's point of view

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The smell was heavy despite the light breeze, and it took me a moment to pick up a vague medicinal scent.

"Is there something in the water?", I asked.

Aldus confirmed. "There is a toxin. If anyone tries to reach the castle by swimming, they will suffer greatly no matter how good of a swimmer they are as soon as the water touches the skin. Muscle spasms, difficulty breathing…" He paused and gave me praise. "Good catch."

I beamed, happy that my average sense of scent (according to human standards) was acknowledged, and I decided to fish for another compliment.

"It seems that there are arrays for preventing flight."

Aldus nodded. "And teleportation. The only way in is by walking over this bridge that is being watched."

Aldus pointed up and I observed the gargoyle statues above the massive wooden door. Well, I guess they are not statues because their heads moved to follow us.